liminal portal threshold to every beyond i hold within me either side of everything be i wood or stone or air i am the gateway to any/every where remember, my very purpose is to open and be opened so that you might pass through though when you keep me closed you'll remain unchanged never having the chance to revel in wonders unknown
I have recently begun the practice of drawing a single card on the first day of the month, and often find myself writing poetry after readings based on the cards that come up and the feelings they stir up in me at the moment.
When I did this latest one for February, I realized this might be a fun creative challenge, and a way for me to share these little musings and bits of guidance with you all. I’d love if these poems or cards spur you to write your own responses or cause your own moments of introspection, and feel free to share them with me if they do!
11 Months, 11 Readings will run through the rest of this year, and I look forward to seeing how these cards and words guide me through the year where I’ll be celebrating my 33rd trip around the sun.
Want to read more of my work? Visit my shop on Gumroad or visit to find out how to get copies of my YA fantasy novel in verse.
Featured Photo by Elayna Mae Darcy © 2023