My story and I began in the same place— out there in space among the bright stars and dark ether. You started there too, which I think is one of the most beautiful notions about this thing we call life. We all come from the same stuff, and while I won’t be the first, nor the last, poet or scientist or person to marvel at how made of stardust we are, I will still be one of them.
Write a few lines about your connection to the stars? Was there a night you stargazed with friends, or have you never taken the time to notice them? Be as creative as you like.
If you decide to share something for this prompt, be sure to tag it on social media with #CountdownToTheStars.
This post is the “Stars” entry in the Countdown to the Stars blog series. To learn more about the countdown and the book (coming Nov 2022) visit
Featured Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash