My mind constantly insists, they'll never remember you, ya know? These words you wrote while broke, broken, and afraid? These thoughts have already been thought by wiser minds, with better words, that are actually worth being remembered. Your cadence? Chaotic. Your rhymes? Done infinite times. There's nothing left to be penned that someone hasn't already, more eloquently, said. So maybe stop writing to be remembered, yeah? Write for the you in the Parkway Library reference room turning to tomes of mythology to ready for their next book. Write for the kid who used to come to Logan Square, just to play in the fountain with their friends. Write for the you who spent two long seasons in daily therapy, doing their best to make sense of this trauma-ladden life in soft, healing ways. Write because you survived today. Write because right now, and always, you have something of value to say.
Featured Photo by Elayna Mae Darcy © 2025